Biblical Sunday School for
Kids in Pittsburgh

Train a child up in the ways they should go and when they are old they wont depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Sunday School For
Children in Pittsburgh
MRBC Sunday School
But Jesus Said, Permit the little children to come to me, and do not forbid them for such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14

Pittsburgh Church Nursery
Ages 6 months - 4 years old
Our Nursery is a safe place for babies and toddlers to play and learn about Jesus. All of our nursery volunteers have their background clearances.

Childcare During Pittsburgh Church Service at Middletown Road Baptist Church
MRBC provides Biblical Childcare during our Sunday school and main service. Our mission is to see our childrens hearts changed and adopted into the family of God.

What to expect when you bring your children to church at MRBC in Pittsburgh
During the main service the children will sit through the announcements prayers, and opening hymns. After two hymns the children will be brought to their classrooms to dive deep into Gods word.

Contact Us Today
Fill Out the Form Below or Give Us A Call 412-928-8588 If You Would Like To Learn More.